Welcome to Saint Andrew
Ordinary Time.
[ picture courtesy of parishioner debbie lee ]
Our symbol depicts the moment when Andrew introduces Jesus to Peter.

Our Mission...
We, the parish of Saint Andrew Catholic Church, are a community of disciples of Jesus Christ, upholding one another on the journey of faith. Formed by the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer, we strive to live the spiritual and corporal works of mercy in our relationships, near and far. With joyful outreach, we invite all to the beauty of faith in Jesus Christ.

St. Andrew Prayer
[ Apostle ]
[ Patron of Fisherman ]
Saint Andrew, as the first apostle to recognize and follow Jesus, we pray that you will always lead us to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ out of love and dedication to Him. Help us to learn the lesson of
the Cross and to carry out our daily crosses with complaint, so that they may carry us to Jesus. Amen.

Mass Intentions
the week of may 28, 2023 - solemnity of pentecost

7:45am - Daniel Dalton
May 28th

Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34;
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23
Month of Our Lady
6:45am - Parishioners of Saint Andrew
9:00am - William Kearney
10:30am - Doris M. Ursic
12:00pm - Rosanna Cappelletti DiLizio

May 29th
No Mass
William Marmion
Memorial of the BVM

May 30th
Special Intention for Msgr. Picard on his 85th Birthday
Edward Gregitis, Sr.
Ordinary Weekday

May 31st
Jean Murray
Special Intention for Msgr. Picard for his 85th Birthday
Feast of the Visitation of the BVM

June 1st
Priscilla Ryba
Agnes Weindorfer
Memorial of St. Justin

June 2nd
Vincenzo Armetta
Luisa & Lazzaro Mosconi
Ordinary Weekday

June 3rd
Diana J. Horner
Richard Bulluck
Memorial of St. Charles Lwanga & Companions

New Parishioners from April 2023

Mark & Colleen Azzaro
Sean & Nicole Bolger
Robert Brawn & Family
Elizabeth Buonomo
Amelia Daley
Barbara Gobeler
John & Jean Kohl
Erik & Tina Krajnikovich & Family
Ann Kurchack
Bennett & Vivian Levin
Guerline Menard
Gregory Parasmo & Diana DiDonato & Family
James & Jess Raymer & Family
Paul & Theresa Sheils
Denning & Susan Smith
Kristin Taylor
Mark & Jodie Thomas & Family
God Bless Our Newly Baptized from April 2023

Grayson William Colandro
Olivia Rose Colandro
Kenna Rose Haftek
Henry Thomas Hagemann
Everett Tyler Hub
Noah Gabriel Huwyler
Thomas Anthony Lawall
Declan Steele McGeehan
Bennett Andrew Muto
Gwendolyn Reed Lyon Peterson
Annastella Lee Randall
Caroline Jane Randall
Cristiano Joseph Smith