Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Dear Parishioner,
The loss of a loved one is the most challenging time. We, the parish of Saint Andrew, extend our sympathy to you and your family at this time of sorrow. The saving mystery of Christ becomes active in our lives, especially in times of grief. The Church seeks to support you in these hard days and to instill within you the confidence in the saving presence of Christ.
This page will assist you in the planning of the Funeral Mass. The celebration offers the active participation of the family and friends. Honor the deceased by placing symbols, selecting and proclaiming readings, and offering the Mass gifts. Please consult the music selection sheet for appropriate usage at the Mass.
A priest from the parish will call to plan a visit with the family. At that time, you can discuss particulars about the liturgy, such as music, readings, and prayers. If you have any questions, the priest will be happy to address your concerns.
You will receive a folder with readings and music selections. The readings from the Old and New Testaments are those appropriate for a Funeral Mass. In addition, the proper liturgical use of the hymns for Mass is listed to assist you better.
To ensure your choices, we ask that you return the selection of readings and hymns to the Parish Office on the day before the funeral.
The Church makes use of several symbols to remind us of the eternal presence of Christ. The Easter Candle will be prominent in the funeral liturgy, calling to mind the light of Christ rising from the darkness of sin and death. Baptism is our first sharing in the victory of Christ over death. At our Baptism, we are clothed in white to show we belong to Christ. A white garment (the Pall) is placed over the casket at the funeral liturgy as a sign of our Christian dignity received in Baptism. Family members are encouraged to put the Pall over the coffin at the beginning of the funeral liturgy. In addition, family members or friends proclaim the readings at Mass. Likewise, the offertory procession of the gifts of bread and wine is an excellent opportunity for participation.
Special situations may call for cremation. The Church embraces the wishes of your loved one and does permit ashes into the Church for a Funeral Mass.
If you have any particular questions, please call the Parish Office at 215-968-2262.
We hope that this information will help you plan the funeral liturgy for your loved one. With the prayers of family and friends, and the support of the parish community, the love of God becomes present. Please know that you and your family will remain in our prayers.